Are you a new photographer looking for a mentorship? Do you need some resources to help you elevate your business and build your empire? You have come to the right place! This is our one stop shop to all the goody goodness that ABP has to offer to help our industry! Fun fact: Ashley has over 8 years of teaching experience, at both the collegiate and high school levels. What a wonderful way for both worlds to collide! Please feel free to reach out if you have any issues.
‘I have a camera, and zero desire to start a business, but I want to learn how to use it better.’
‘I’m ready to start my photography business…but I have no idea where to begin?’
‘I’ve been doing the same thing over and over again for years, and I’m ready to do something new. I need growth in my business.’
‘I used to shoot one genre, but now I am wanting to focus on something new…help! I’m overwhelmed, even though I’m a seasoned photographer!’
Whether you’ve been a photographer for years and you want to learn something new, or you are just starting out, The ABP Mentorship is perfect for you, and everyone in between!
Here at Ashley Bass Photography, we feel that empowered women empower women (and men!), and that there is more than enough room in this industry for more creatives! Both in-person and virtual meetings available; you do not have to be local to be my mentee! What an amazing opportunity to put my teacher hat on, and build up fellow colleagues at the same time! My two worlds collide.
+ Camera 101 + Exposure Triangle
+ Editing 101 + Extensive Editing
+ Light Chasing & Understanding Light + Artificial Lighting & Off Camera Flash
+ Setting Up a Legal Business + Pricing & Marketing
+ Website & Social Media Review + Goal Setting & Manifestation
Be legal. Make sure you have filed with all of the correct governing bodies to make your business legal. Liability insurance is a must have! I highly suggest you use contracts with your clients as well, to set clear boundaries on what you are providing, and to reassure your clients that you are not going to ghost.
Be profitable. If you do not feel like your quality is high enough or consistent enough to charge a profitable rate, keep practicing until it is. Then you can hit the ground running!
Be humble. If someone that has been in business longer than you gives you advice, or is willing to help you, soak up every ounce of goodness they are willing to share! There are more than enough clients to go around; everything isn’t a competition.
Be prepared. Running a business is hard. I always joke that a photography business is only 10% photography, and 90% marketing, bookkeeping, herding cats, editing (my entire life away lol), time management, customer service, etc.
Be passionate. Do it with passion, or don’t do it at all. Take time for passion projects; photography doesn’t have to be all business, all the time. Be more like a mullet; business in the front, party in the back ;)
“I’ve followed Ashley’s work for a long time now! Ever since I was interested in photography. She is such an inspiration and an amazing artist, and I am blessed with the privilege of having her as a mentor! I know for a fact I can ask her advice on anything I do, pricing, editing, etc. and I will get an honest opinion back! She definitely doesn’t beat around the bush, will tell you how it is and give you confidence in your business model! She took my thought process and changed it from day to night in about a 6 hour zoom call that ended at 2am! LOL totally worth it and I had so much fun learning new techniques! I can’t wait to see what my future business holds!”